Studiul calitații apei subterane din localitatea Seini

Nitrate pollution of groundwater used by wells in Seini was investigated.The data obtained showed that there were large differences between the water samples in terms of nitrate concentration in various locations in Seini.The water samples with the highest amount of nitrates, 50 mg/l water, are associated with sources of pollution in households, close to the water source.of the 11 water samples, a percentage of 18.19% of the samples is within the admissible limit of nitrate concentration, of 50 mg/l;27.27% of the samples have nitrate concentrations that are half the maximum allowable nitrate limit, 25 mg/l;- 18.18% of the samples have 10 mg/l amount of nitrates;- 9.09% of the samples have 5 mg/l nitrates in water;- 27.27% of the samples represent clean water without nitrates. Au fost analizate 11 probe de apa recoltate din fântâni distribuite in localitatea Seini. Rezultatele obtinute din verificarea au demonstrat ca: 18,19% din probe se inscriu la limita admisibilă a concentrației de nitrați, adică 50 mg/l; 27,27% din probe au concentratii de nitrati care se inscriu la jumătate din limita maximă admisă de nitrați, 25 mg/l;18,18 % din probe au 10 mg/l cantitate de nitrați; 9,09% din probe au 5mg/l nitrați în apă; 27,27 % din probe reprezintă apa curată fără nitrați.